
The top 5 customer answers and what they really mean

There is no doubt that Michael Arrington is a powerful and infamous man in the US – he rose to prominence writing the TechCrunch blog.  I don’t know him.   But I read this quote from him recently. Customer research produces bland products.  We are producing a piece of art. Why would he say this when …

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Enhance Research and their experience with Hearsay

“I can see Hearsay being something that we include in every proposal where qualitative in-depth interviews are a requirement. It will just be part of the way we do business. Like when we run focus groups, we book a room and we organise transcription. In this case, when we are doing 1 to 1 interviews, …

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You won’t find your brand growth strategies in the numbers

(A version of this article appeared in Marketing Magazine in June 2020.  Pip has updated it some information but essentially it is still incredibly valuable a year on.) As we continue to suffer strict lockdowns in Australia and business leaders re-think their strategies, we must work out where our growth opportunities are going to come …

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OPSM and their experience with Hearsay

“I think the platform is great; I think it gives freedom and flexibility to a business, to utilize it however you need. It’s providing that platform, the base for you to be able to maximize customer engagement so yeah I think it’s a fabulous, fabulous tool. You can use it as much or as little …

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